Work History
Mwansa Dien Francis

Mwansa Dien Francis



I am a very open-minded and diligent Field Epidemiologist with over 10 years of experience maintaining seamless public and donor business operations. Smoothly administers budgets, trains staff and monitors procedures to maximise efficiency and balance objectives with operational requirements. Exceptional staff, time and inventory management. Strong technical proficiency with work history in immunisation, epidemiology, child health, adolescent health and maternal health. In-depth knowledge of primary health care in limited resource setting coupled with great decision making abilities.

Between October 2011 and June 2014 accepted the call to work for three years in the remotest district in Zambia serving about 152000 people as the only medical officer. We opened a new hospital and saw patients to excellent outcomes such that it created a good reputation for the new hospital. Seeing how helpless we were when it came to management of most common childhood illnesses and maternal complications in an environment of high fertility, I realised the significance of primary health care interventions and supported immunisation and family planning as the strongest prevention tools we had. The results were amazing and further motivating. As a medical intern at Kitwe Central Hospital, I ran a measles ward in late 2010 and saw how helpless we could be at times when outbreaks struck. Two years later, what vaccines and other primary health interventions did in Kaputa and Nsama districts, Zambia began my journey in public health, family planning and vaccines. As District Medical Officer (and Senior Resident Medical Officer), I also headed, planned, directed and coordinated health services in both Kaputa and Nsama districts, Zambia. I oversaw patient care from medical to surgical cases and referral to higher-level health care institutions when necessary.

I managed the immunisation programme at the Ministry of Health Zambia between June 2014 and May 2022 and was the focal point person for the Zambia COVID-19 immunisation between November 2020 and June 2022.


years of professional experience

Work History

Immunisation Specialist

Lusaka , Zambia
2022.09 - Current

About The Position

  • Timely sectoral analysis, input, support and coordination contribute to the Situation Analysis with consistent integration of sex disaggregated data and its periodic update for effective immunisation planning, development and management.
  • Quality contributions are made to the development and implementation of the Immunisation strategies and approaches through participation and collaboration with internal and external partnership.
  • Work plan and objectives are strategically established, technical support is effectively provided, and planned results are timely delivered through exercise of strong technical leadership.
  • Project implementation progress is monitored and evaluated for adjustment, acceleration and improvement of program delivery and sustainability. Gender/sex disaggregated data and inputs relevant to the Immunization Programme provided.
  • Technical support is provided to government and NGOs at all stages of the programme cooperation, including capacity building of government personnel and beneficiaries.
  • The capacities of Country Office staff are strengthened through effective capacity building programme in the development, implementation and management of the immunisation programme.
  • UNICEF and Government accountability is ensured for supply and non-supply assistance and disbursement of programme funds for the sector.
  • Effective partnership and collaboration achieved and maintained for advocacy, technical cooperation, programme coordination, information sharing and knowledge networking.
  • The most relevant and strategic information is provided to support the Immunisation Programme
    by the effective implementation of integrated child survival monitoring system.
  • All required programme reports are timely prepared in compliance with the established guidelines and procedures.
  • Emergency preparedness is maintained, and in emergencies, emergency responses with
    effective coordination are provided.
  • Other assigned duties and responsibilities are effectively performed.

Key Achievements:

  • Participated in polio, measles, cholera, COVID-19 and Anthrax outbreak investigations and response.
  • Assisted in the development of immunisation programs and policies.
  • Supported development of the MOH platform for maintaining accurate documentation of all immunisations administered.
  • Collaborated with other agencies to develop effective strategies for increasing immunisation rates.
  • Performed quality assurance checks on all supplies used during immunisation procedures.
  • Collaborated with other sections and agencies to develop effective strategies for increasing immunisation rates.
  • Managed inventory levels of vaccines by ordering and stocking supplies as needed.
  • Participated in public health outreach initiatives to promote awareness about the importance of vaccinations.
  • Provided technical assistance to healthcare providers in administering vaccines correctly.
  • Coordinated logistics associated with large scale vaccination campaigns.
  • Tracked immunisation roadmaps and schedules and encouraged teams to complete tasks on time while staying on budget.
  • Analysed key performance indicators to identify effective strategies.
  • Set specific goals for projects to measure progress and evaluate end results.
  • Maintained positive working relationship with fellow staff and management.

National Expanded Programme on Immunisation Manager

Ministry of Health
2014.06 - 2022.05

About The Position

  • Zambia’s national immunisation programme more than doubled in the decade 2012 to 2022
  • The national staff had to expand too to offset the limited programme staff at subnational levels
  • An EPI manager coordinated all immunisation programmes in the country
  • Immunisation was a prominent component of the prevention pillar of the health sector strategic plan aiming at providing universal health coverage through a primary health care approach

Key Achievements:

  • Continued planning for, advocacy for and implementation of expansion of cold chain at all levels and maintenance in Zambia.
  • Improvement of the national vaccine coverage.
  • Operationalisation of the Zambia immunisation technical advisory group (ZITAG).
  • Coordinated vaccine supply chain at all levels in the country with minimal stock outs at all levels.
  • Coordinated national COVID-19, HPV, IPV, OCV vaccines roll out.
  • Collaborated with quality team regarding quality assurance reviews.
  • Oversaw onboarding processes for new team members, delivering training on claims handling.
  • Managed team members effectively to meet high immunisation programme standards.
  • Motivated team members to maintain targeted turnaround time to obtain immunisation equity and coverage goals.

Deputy Director

Directorate Of Public Health & Research, Ministry of Health
2016.12 - 2017.06

About The Position

  • In 2016 following general elections and installation of new leadership in Zambia, the ministry of Health embarked on a transformational agenda which saw me deputise the director of the new Directorate of Public Health and Research formed from combination of three directorates
  • With the director play a more ambassadorial role, the deputy director did day to day running of the directorate
  • Position got abolished after June 2017

Key Achievements

  • Oversaw the transformation of the directorate that included the movement of staff deemed extra to subnational levels.
  • Oversaw alignment of technical working group meetings that had become too many.
  • Set agenda, organised plans and managed programme operations, updates and new implementations.
  • Presided over three audit processes for the Directorate (Auditor General’s, Global Fund, Gavi).
  • Headed the directorate's contribution to the developing and implementing of the NHSP 2017-2021 for sections relevant to public/primary health
  • Presided over an improved culture of report writing and retirement of funds.
  • Represented government at professional conferences and networking events, appearing on behalf of the Director, Permanent Secretary and Hon. Minister of Health and entire ministry to build image and foster new and improved connections.

Chid Health Specialist

Ministry of Health
2014.06 - 2016.12

About The Position

  • Zambia was predominantly rural with a very high double burden of infectious and non-communicable diseases, as well as high patient to doctor ratio, which implies challenges with provision of RMNCAHN services
  • Addressing most childhood conditions and diseases had seen the country turn it tide on national child health indicators
  • The Child Health Specialist oversaw provision of high impact child survival interventions such as IMCI services, immunisation and childhood nutrition programmes

Key Achievements

  • Expansion and maintenance of cold chain at all levels in Zambia.
  • Oversaw completion and dissemination of the New-born Framework in Zambia, Essential New-born Care Package and several IMCI guidelines.
  • Developing and enforcing child health protocols and guidelines in all health facilities in the country.
  • Initiated development of the national immunisation technical advisory group (NITAG).
  • Facilitated the continuation of the twice annually child health week during a period when policy leadership.
  • Devised strategies focused on achieving established programme goals and objectives.
  • Conducted educational sessions and prepared documents for target populations.

Senior Resident & District Medical Officer

2011.12 - 2014.06

About The Positions

  • Kaputa District was the most rural district in Zambia and had not a seen a resident medical officer before
  • Because of its extremely rural nature, medical officers have been avoiding coming to work there
  • There was no proper system of health due to high turn over of all health staff
  • As the only medical officer, I took up both positions of Senior Resident Medical Officer and District Medical Officer

Key Achievements

  • Lobbied for expansion of a rural health centre to a fully-fledged first level hospital.
  • Managed huge funds for procurement of essential medical equipment and services for the district.
  • Developed and enforced protocols and guidelines in all health facilities in the district.
  • Developed and implementing disease prevention strategies in the district.
  • Ran all medical and surgical procedures in the district.
  • Well established daily patient care; rounds, clinics, theatre and patient follow up.
  • Interacted with patients' family members to discuss diagnosis and provide updates.
  • Identified methods to improve efficiency, as well as patient care and evaluation quality.

Junior Resident Medical Officer

Kitwe Central Hospital
2010.05 - 2011.12

About The Position

  • Effectively, under direct supervision of senior medical staff, planned, controlled and directed provision of treatment care and ensured the provision of quality health care in the four major departments of a central hospital
  • Gathered patient history information, performed physical examinations and collected vitals to gain complete picture and properly assess conditions.
  • Performed routine patient care functions and provided emergency response.

Key Achievements

  • Contributed to a reduction in maternal mortality and morbidity in the district through direct service provision as a medical practitioner
  • Effectively rotated through departments of surgery and obstetrics/gynaecology gaining adequate surgical skills
  • Effectively managed post-operative patients without mortality
  • Pioneered intra-hospital data usage in clinical meetings
  • Improved clinical quality by analysing performance metrics, patient outcomes and delivery of care.
  • Observed delivery of care and business activities and made recommendations to improve programs, case management and clinical management.

Assistant Lecturer

Evelyn Hone College of Applied Arts and Commerce
2008.01 - 2010.05

About The Position

  • Effectively, under direct supervision of senior lecturers, planned and delivered anatomy lectures to first and second year physiotherapy students pursuing diplomas.
  • Assisted with lecture planning, preparation and research.
  • Participated in preparation, administration and grading of exams.

Key Achievements

  • Contributed to a higher pass rate in anatomy
  • Effectively strengthened the resource circulating amongst the students on anatomy
  • Contributed to the general understanding of the other related subjects.
  • Selected innovative teaching methods to deliver course content.
  • Maintained records to measure student progress, achievement and attendance.


MBA - Business Administration

University of Cumbria

Master of Science - Epidemiology

University of Zambia

Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) -

University of Zambia

Bachelor of Science - Human Biology

University of Zambia, School of Medicine; University of Cumbria

Senior Secondary Schoool Leaving Certificate -

Samfya Secondary School

Junior Secondary Schoool Leaving Certificate -

Samfya Secondary School

Primary School Leaving Certificate -

Chilumba Middle Basic School

Junior Primary School Leaving Certificate -

Luansobe Primary School


  • Executive team leadership, management, and coordination
  • Communication, decision making and conflict resolution skills
  • Ability to work under pressure
  • Multi-year, multi-million-dollar grant management expertise
  • Project management expertise
  • Advanced computer skills
  • Disease outbreak and multi-level response coordination


  • 2000: Enumerator in the 2000 countrywide Census of Population and Housing in Samfya District for 12-weeks
  • 2004: Peer Educators Workshop followed by educating Students on HIV/AIDS at UNZA
  • 2005 (Aug-Sept): Community research proposal on Prevalence and Risk factors of HIV/AIDS in Manungu Catchment Area in Monze, Zambia This involved data collection, analysis and writing a report and the Project proposal (group and individual) 2006(Aug-Sept): -Community Research Proposal and research on The Community response to interventions of HIV/AIDS prevention in Manungu Catchment Area in Monze, Zambia. Also involved data collection, analysis and report writing
  • 2007(June-July): Research Proposal and research on the side effects of First Line Anti-retroviral therapy in Bauleni Compound in Lusaka, Zambia Involved data collection, analysis and report writing
  • Coordinated the 2014 Expanded Programme on Immunisation Programme Review, and Rota and PCV Vaccines Post Introduction Evaluation (PIE)
  • Coordinated the 2015 (July-Aug) Effective Vaccine Management Assessment
  • Coordinated the 2016 (Sept) application for and implementation of the Measles-Rubella vaccination campaign of 8 million children to a 96% national coverage
  • Mentor at the Data to Policy Zambia between 2017-2021: mentored 7 health workers to completion of policy briefs 2018
  • Coordinated the Introduction of the Inactivated Polio Vaccine in Zambia 2019
  • Coordinated the Introduction of the Human Papillomavirus Vaccine in Zambia and the four rounds of the mOPV delivery in 4 of the 10 provinces of Zambia
  • Coordinated the 2020 Post Introduction Evaluation of both IPV and HPV in Zambia
  • Coordinated the 2019-2021 application for and implementation of the Measles-Rubella vaccination campaign of 3.1 million children to a 93% national coverage and coordinated the associated coverage survey
  • Coordinated the 2020 Effective Vaccine Management Assessment and coordinated the EPI programme review
  • Coordinated the 2020–2022 COVID-19 vaccination in Zambia; and
  • Coordinated the 2022 poliovirus surveillance and response in Zambia


2001 –Chairperson of Debate and Junior Engineers Technicians and Scientists (JETS) Clubs.

2005–2006 –University of Zambia Medical Students Association (UNZAMEDSA) Committee member

2007–2009 – UNZAMEDSA Vice President

2011–2013 – District Medical Officer, Kaputa and Nsama

2014–2022 – National EPI Manager

2019–Date – Vice President, Zambia Field Epidemiology Network


Dr Chinyonga Jelita,

Performance Improvement Director,

Ministry of Health HQ, Lusaka, Zambia.


Phone: +260 977619833/+260 9688207728

Dr Abidan Chansa,

Senior Medical Superintendent,

Kitwe Teaching Hospital, Ministry of Health.


Phone: +260 969119118

Dr Andrew Silumesii,


Phone: 0977414651


Ichibemba, English
First Language


  • Mwanamwenge, A., Masumbu, P., Mwansa, F. D., Masaninga, F., Mazaba, M. L., Songolo, P., … Mufunda, J. (2016). Evaluation of the Implementation of the Reaching Every District Approach in Routine Immunisation in Lusaka District , Zambia. Medical Journal of Zambia, 43(3), 152–155.
  • Mudhune, S., Phiri, S. C., Prescott, M. R., McCarthy, E. A., Banda, A., Haimbe, P., Mwansa, F. D., Mwiche, A., Bwalya, F., Kabamba, M., Shakwelele, H. and Prust, M. L. (2018) ‘Impact of the Safe Childbirth Checklist on health worker childbirth practices in Luapula province of Zambia: a pre-post study’, BMC Public Health, 18(1), p. 892. doi: 10.1186/s12889-018-5813-y.
  • Kapaya, F., Mwansa, F. D., Sakubita, P., Gama, A., Langa, N., Chewe, O., Mutale, L., Nanzaluka, F., Gershom, C., Chola, M., Kapata, N., Sinyange, N., Chibuye, S. and Yard, E. (2018) ‘A foodborne disease outbreak investigation experience in a College in Lusaka, Zambia, 2017’, Pan African Medical Journal, 29. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2018.29.100.14737.
  • Mwansa, F.D, Gama, A., Kapaya, F., Yard, E., Kumar, R., Chongwe, G. and Sinyange, N. (2017) ‘Typhoid fever outbreak investigation in a malaria endemic community, Solwezi, North-Western province, Zambia, 2017’, Health Press Zambia, 2(1), pp. 20–28. Available at: .
  • Mutembo, S., Carcelen, A., Mwansa, F. D., Searle, K., Wanyiri, J., Book, C., Thuma, P. E., Moss, W. J. and Hayford, K. (2018) ‘Integrating Blood Collection within Household Surveys : Lessons Learned from Nesting a Measles’, The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, (1), pp. 1–4. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.18-0320.
  • Clarke, Kristie E.N., Caroline Phiri Chibawe, Idongesit Essiet-Gibson, Francis Dien Mwansa, Sara Jacenko, Chulwoo Rhee, Maggy Kwendakwape, Andrew Kashoka, and Adam MacNeil. 2019. “Strengths, Pitfalls, and Lessons Learned in Implementing Electronic Collection of Childhood Vaccination Data in Zambia: The SmartCare Experience.” International Journal of Medical Informatics, June.
  • Mvundura, Mercy, Laura Di Giorgio, Dafrossa Lymo, Francis Dien Mwansa, Bulula Ngwegwe, and Laurie Werner. 2019. “The Costs of Developing, Deploying and Maintaining Electronic Immunisation Registries in Tanzania and Zambia.” BMJ Global Health 4(6):e001904.
  • Mudhune, Sandra, Sydney Chauwa Phiri, Marta R. Prescott, Elizabeth A. McCarthy, Aaron Banda, Prudence Haimbe, Francis Dien Mwansa, Angel Mwiche, Francis Bwalya, Micheck Kabamba, Hilda Shakwelele, and Margaret L. Prust. 2018. “Impact of the Safe Childbirth Checklist on Health Worker Childbirth Practices in Luapula Province of Zambia: A Pre-Post Study.” BMC Public Health 18(1):892.
  • Hayford, Kyla, Simon Mutembo, Andrea Carcelen, Hellen K. Matakala, Passwell Munachoonga, Amy Winter, Jane W. Wanyiri, Kelly Searle, Francis D. Mwansa, Angels Mwiche, Caroline Phiri, Chris Book, Philip E. Thuma, and William J. Moss. 2019. “Measles and Rubella Serosurvey Identifies Rubella Immunity Gap in Young Adults of Childbearing Age in Zambia: The Added Value of Nesting a Serological Survey within a Post-Campaign Coverage Evaluation Survey.” Vaccine 37(17):2387–93.
  • Seymour, Dawn, Laurie Werner, Francis Dien Mwansa, Ngwegwe Bulula, Henry Mwanyika, Mandy Dube, Brian Taliesin, and Dykki Settle. 2019. “Electronic Immunization Registries in Tanzania and Zambia: Shaping a Minimum Viable Product for Scaled Solutions.” Frontiers in Public Health 7:218.
  • Carnahan, Emily, Ellen Ferriss, Emily Beylerian, Francis Dien Mwansa, Ngwegwe Bulula, Dafrossa Lyimo, Anna Kalbarczyk, Alain B. Labrique, Laurie Werner, and Jessica C. Shearer. 2020. “Determinants of Facility-Level Use of Electronic Immunization Registries in Tanzania and Zambia: An Observational Analysis.” Global Health: Science and Practice.
  • Dolan, Samantha B., Mary E. Alao, Francis Dien Mwansa, Dafrossa C. Lymo, Ngwegwe Bulula, Emily Carnahan, Emily Beylerian, Laurie Werner, and Jessica C. Shearer. 2020. “Perceptions of Factors Influencing the Introduction and Adoption of Electronic Immunization Registries in Tanzania and Zambia: A Mixed Methods Study.” Implementation Science Communications 1(1):38.
  • Mudhune, Sandra, Sydney Chauwa Phiri, Marta R. Prescott, Elizabeth A. McCarthy, Aaron Banda, Prudence Haimbe, Francis Dien Mwansa, et al. 2020. “Improving the Quality of Childbirth Services in Zambia through Introduction of the Safe Childbirth Checklist and Systems-Focused Mentorship.” Edited by Michelle L. Munro-Kramer. PloS One 15 (12): e0244310.
  • Carcelen, Andrea C, Christine Prosperi, Simon Mutembo, Gershom Chongwe, Francis D Mwansa, Phillimon Ndubani, Edgar Simulundu, et al. 2021. “COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in Zambia: A Glimpse at the Possible Challenges Ahead for COVID-19 Vaccination Rollout in Sub-Saharan Africa.” Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics 00 (00): 1–6.
  • Carcelen, A. C., Winter, A. K., Moss, W. J., Chilumba, I., Mutale, I., Chongwe, G., Monze, M., Mulundu, G., Nkamba, H., Mwansa, F. D., Mulenga, L., Rhoda, D. A., Hayford, K., & Mutembo, S. (2022). Leveraging a national biorepository in Zambia to assess measles and rubella immunity gaps across age and space. Scientific Reports, 12(1).


Immunisation Specialist

2022.09 - Current

Deputy Director

Directorate Of Public Health & Research, Ministry of Health
2016.12 - 2017.06

National Expanded Programme on Immunisation Manager

Ministry of Health
2014.06 - 2022.05

Chid Health Specialist

Ministry of Health
2014.06 - 2016.12

Senior Resident & District Medical Officer

2011.12 - 2014.06

Junior Resident Medical Officer

Kitwe Central Hospital
2010.05 - 2011.12

Assistant Lecturer

Evelyn Hone College of Applied Arts and Commerce
2008.01 - 2010.05

MBA - Business Administration

University of Cumbria

Master of Science - Epidemiology

University of Zambia

Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) -

University of Zambia

Bachelor of Science - Human Biology

University of Zambia, School of Medicine; University of Cumbria

Senior Secondary Schoool Leaving Certificate -

Samfya Secondary School

Junior Secondary Schoool Leaving Certificate -

Samfya Secondary School

Primary School Leaving Certificate -

Chilumba Middle Basic School

Junior Primary School Leaving Certificate -

Luansobe Primary School

2001 –Chairperson of Debate and Junior Engineers Technicians and Scientists (JETS) Clubs.

2005–2006 –University of Zambia Medical Students Association (UNZAMEDSA) Committee member

2007–2009 – UNZAMEDSA Vice President

2011–2013 – District Medical Officer, Kaputa and Nsama

2014–2022 – National EPI Manager

2019–Date – Vice President, Zambia Field Epidemiology Network

Mwansa Dien Francis