Work History

Clement Chela

Public Health Specialist


For the past 36 years, I have worked on global public health and development issues providing leadership in designing, initiating, managing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating programmes ranging from HIV/AIDS/TB, maternal and child health, health human resource deployment and universal health coverage.

I have worked in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and Europe for organisations including Ministry of Health Zambia, The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, The Merck Company Foundation, The Commonwealth Secretariat, Centres for Disease Control, PEPFAR, UNAIDS, UNFPA, UNESCO, UNICEF, UNDP, WHO, The World Bank and the UK Health Security Agency.


years of professional experience
years of post-secondary education

Work History

Lecturer in Public Health

The University of Lusaka School of Medicine and Health Sciences
2015.02 - Current
  • I have teach students Project Management as part of the Master of Public Health at UNILUS, for the fulfillment of the Master of Public Health postgraduate degree
  • I administer tests, tutorials, assignments, exams, and supervise students in the completion of their MPH dissertation
  • Consultant with The Centre For Primary Care Research, Lusaka, Zambia, January 2023. I work with the centre on projects it is engaged in to ensure successful completion of assignments and consultancies.

Public Health Practitioner

UK Health Security Agency
2021.02 - 2022.04
  • I worked with the North-East and North Central London Health Protection Team (NENCL HPT) of The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA
  • My work was in communicable diseases and environmental hazards identifying and assessing the risks to health and wellbeing by initiating, communicating, promoting, and implementing appropriate interventions to protect the public and encourage better health
  • I contributed to the day to day running of the acute response function of the NENCL HPT team to ensure high quality, safe and effective delivery of the health protection service
  • I provided the first point of contact for specialist knowledge, support, and advice to health professionals on health protection matters
  • I was responsible for patent caseload management ensuring accuracy of information on contacts made and public health actions taken by completing records in accordance with team handover procedures and in line with UKHSA’s standards for GDPR record keeping
  • I contributed to the development and delivery of teaching resources on infectious diseases in collaboration with team members
  • I contributed to the development of strategic guidelines and standard operating procedures for TB and Legionnaires for NENCL HPT
  • I worked within in a multidisciplinary Health Protection Team (HPT) consisting of registered nurses, doctors, consultants, and practitioners from a range of backgrounds such as environment, health, microbiology, and emergency planning
  • Together we conducted disease surveillance, investigations and control of communicable diseases, environmental hazards, and health emergency planning
  • I applied my skills in specialist areas covering vaccine preventable diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, TB, and COVID-19
  • This led to improving and protecting the lives of 3.2 million Londoners living and working in NENCL across 12 boroughs in London

RMNCH Project Manager

2015.09 - 2017.08
  • A project manager I implemented a US$ 7 million Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health (RMNCH) grant for the Ministry of Health in Central Province, Zambia. The project activities in 8 districts of Central Province supported access to high quality services.
  • The project provided training to health staff and infrastructure development (construction of mother’s shelters and repair of staff houses, installation of borehole water supply and solar power to health clinics)
  • Provision of RMNCH vehicles, motorbikes, equipment, drugs, and supplies
  • RMNCH services and overcame bottlenecks including a) poor infrastructure; b) inadequate supplies and commodities; c) inadequately skilled and lowly motivated health workers; and d) geographical, financial, and social cultural barriers
  • These catalytic funds resulted in activities key to meeting the national targets for MDG 4 and 5.

Lead consultant

World Bank
2014.12 - 2015.12
  • Implemented an assessment of the ideal workload and optimal manpower required for the delivery of an integrated package of high impact HIV/AIDS/TB interventions at primary health care level
  • Contributing to improved resource allocation and performance of health care workers, and efficient implementation of HIV services in Zambia
  • The results of this work helped managers establish fair workload distribution among staff at primary health care level of the health care system
  • In addition, the evidence from this study supported informed decision making for strengthening efficient implementation of HIV services in Zambia

Director General

National AIDS Council Zambia
2012.03 - 2014.03
  • I directed NAC’s vision, for a high impact cost-effective, national response and worked towards the development of innovative approaches to eliminate Mother to Child Transmission of HIV (EMTCT),
  • I directed the implementation of Zambia’s Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) Programme, Antiretroviral HIV treatment for children and adults, HIV treatment as prevention and inclusion of key populations in the national HIV response
  • Other HIV activities were among Sex Workers, MSM, IDU, Prisoners and Migrant Workers
  • I implemented national HIV plan involving strategic partners working in Zambia including, Donors, Government, Private Sector, Civil Society and UN Agencies
  • I directed the National Safe Love campaign on comprehensive HIV prevention, addressing the key drivers of HIV/AIDS/TB, including multiple and concurrent sexual partnerships, low and inconsistent 4 condom use, and mother-to-child transmission of HIV
  • I furthered the development, promotion, and use of a web-based tool for monitoring selected aspects of the National HIV/AIDS/TB response and use of data for decision making
  • Regarding funding for the response and sustainable resource mobilization strategies, I worked with the private sector for the development of private public partnerships
  • I maximized the use of available government and donor resources to sustain HIV activities and secured Government of Zambia funding for NAC administration
  • This included decentralization of AIDS coordination to the district level through building capacity for implementation and monitoring local responses.

Country Director

2009.10 - 2011.10
  • Coordinated the development and implementation of the Pre-service Education and Health Workforce Wellness projects funded by CDC
  • This strengthened the Government of Botswana's capacity to provide state of the art, high quality pre-service education for HIV prevention, treatment and care services and a health workforce wellness programme
  • This was mediated through capacity building and integration of HIV/AIDS into nursing, midwifery, pharmacy, and laboratory technician’s curricula
  • Working with Jhpiego’s step-by-step process, created a positive environment for strengthening pre-service education at institutional level to improve the existing curriculum and its implementation
  • Working with the University of Washington/ITECH, assisted the Botswana Ministry of
  • Health, in reaching its goal of providing Safe, comprehensive Male Circumcision (SMC) services for HIV prevention for male infants, adolescents and adults
  • Provided leadership in conducting a countrywide facility readiness assessment for SMC and the development of a 5-year national operational plan
  • Was instrumental in revising and updating training manuals/materials for SMC and the hiring of key SMC staff and upgrading facilities in public health facilities
  • As part of the SMC project there was development of appropriate Behaviour Change Communication strategies and materials in collaboration with PSI

Senior HIV/AIDS/TB Advisor

Constella Futures
2007.05 - 2008.05

I was responsible for the implementation of Department for International Development (DFID) South Africa’s £30 Million HIV and AIDS Multi-sectoral framework Programme.

I provided overall leadership in managing project resources, including financial management, programme monitoring and evaluation and timely submission of high-quality reports to DFID in close collaboration with the CF Bath, UK office.

I was responsible for the programme management for an HIV Prevalence, KAPB and Risk Assessment Study in the Tertiary Education Sector of South Africa. This was part of the Higher Education HIV/AIDS Initiative (HEAIDS) programme constituted under a bi-lateral partnership between the European Community (EC) and the Republic of South Africa.

Sector Support Manager

African Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Partnerships
2003.01 - 2006.04
  • At the African Comprehensive HIV/AIDS/ Partnerships, A partnership between the Bill and Melida Gates Foundation and the merck Company Foundation and Botswana Government. I strengthened national programmes in condom distribution, blood safety, youth HIV prevention, teacher capacity building and routine HIV testing.
  • Additionally, participated in the development of the Botswana’s national Anti-Retroviral Therapy implementation plan, developed, and implemented the National Alcohol Abuse and HIV/AIDS/TB Strategy. Supported the development and finalisation of the Botswana National HIV/AIDS/TB Policy.
  • At the district and local level, developed projects for Community-Based Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children, strengthened district HIV/AIDS/TB Programmes including the Centre for Youth of Hope (CEYOHO) and Botswana Family Welfare Association (BOFWA).

HIV/AIDS/TB Consultant

African Comprehensive HIV Partnerships
2001.05 - 2003.01
  • Supported the development of policies, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of Botswana’s National HIV/AIDS/TB care strategy with strong links to prevention
  • I coordinated the development of Botswana’s
  • HIV/AIDS/TB care and support policies and strategies with Ministry of Health, Ministry of
  • Local Government, and other key sectors
  • This contributed to improved access to comprehensive HIV/AIDS/TB care, ARV, and prevention of mother to child transmission treatment (PMTCT) and PLWHA support services across a continuum of care.

Chief Programme Officer

Commonwealth Secretariat
1997.12 - 2001.05

Worked with Secretariat Divisions to ensure effective implementation of the health programme by developing and implementing appropriate activities in response to health priority needs of Commonwealth countries, consulting with governments, inter-governmental organizations and regional secretariats. I coordinated human resources for health through the review of the Secretariats position on human resources development for health. I monitored development of HIV/AIDS/TB national multi-sectoral programmes and policies in the commonwealth and developed the Secretariat HIV/AIDS Strategy.

This led to the formation of the Commonwealth NGO’s response to HIV/AIDS Commonwealth HIV/AIDS Action Group (CHAAG) (formally the Para 55 Group).

I provided supported to Commonwealth countries in articulating their concerns in controlling substance abuse, through participation in key tobacco and alcohol related international meetings.

I coordinated the assessment and promotion of key indicators of child survival across commonwealth countries and participated in the development and promotion of Women and Health through collaboration with the Gender and Youth Affairs Division of the Secretariat.

STD/HIV/AIDS/TB and Leprosy Specialist

Central Health Board
1997.09 - 1997.10
  • I coordinated the development of policies, guidelines, standards and strategies in HIV/AIDS/STD/TB and Leprosy, in response to needs arising from the operational level and within the overall national strategic health plan.
  • Provided technical assistance to health management boards in collaboration with Regional Health Offices.
  • Coordinated the development of sector specific policies on HIV/AIDS/STD/TB and Leprosy and national capacity for a multisectoral response.

Programme Manager

Ministry of Health
1993.02 - 1997.09
  • I coordinated the development of policies, guidelines, standards and strategies in HIV/AIDS/STD/TB and Leprosy, in response to needs arising from the operational level and within the overall national strategic health plan
  • Provided technical assistance to health management boards in collaboration with Regional Health Offices
  • Coordinated the development of sector specific policies on HIV/AIDS/STD/TB and Leprosy and national capacity for a multisectoral response

Senior Resident Medical Officer

Chikankata Hospital
1988.12 - 1993.02

I coordinated all medical aspects of the hospital in liaison with the principal nursing officer and hospital administrator. Provided leadership in the application of established hospital policy for in–patient and community outreach services on a day-to-day basis.

I initiated policymaking and the development of programmes for implementation and provided consultant advice to hospital wards HIV/AIDS/TB care. I facilitated the developed and implementation of an integrated HIV/AIDS/TB management-training seminar offered locally and regionally for health and non-health workers. I participated in the development of a community-based HIV/AIDS/TB Programme within the context of a team approach with hospital staff and the community. I facilitated research by department members through promotion of operational research and paper presentation at national and international conferences.

I was part of the community counselling team that utilised SBCC concepts in addressing the HIV epidemic in a rural based community. Using a 7-step approach to work in the community including, problem identification, solution identification, strategy formation, strategy implementation, monitoring of strategy and reporting on the outcome of the strategy.

Junior Resident Medical Officer

Ministry of Health
1987.07 - 1988.09

I completed a one-year internship in surgery, medicine, paediatrics and obstetrics and gynaecology. I was responsible for general ward rounds, clinics and admissions, under the supervision of a consultant in the four departments.


Master of Science - Public Health

London School of Hygiene And Tropical Medicine
London England United Kingdom
1993.06 - 1994.07

Bachelor of Science - Medicine And Surgery

University of Zambia
Lusak Zambia
1985.01 - 1987.12

Bachelor of Science - Human Biology

University of Zambia
Lusaka Zambia
1980.01 - 1985.12


Data management, manipulation, and visualisation



I have worked on important global public health problems providing, designing, initiating, managing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating programmes ranging from HIV/AIDS/TB, maternal and child health, health human resource deployment and universal health coverage.

The result of this work is reflected in work with UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) where I undertook preventive work on communicable diseases and environmental hazards identifying and assessing the risks to health and wellbeing by initiating, communicating, promoting, and implementing appropriate interventions to protect the public and encouraged better health.

I have coordinated and advocated and implemented effective and efficient implementation and monitoring of the Zambian national response to HIV and AIDS using a multi-sectoral approach in line with the three ones and universal access principles.

As lecturer with The University of Lusaka (UNILUS), I continue in this role, teaching students Project Management as part of the fulfilment of the Master of Public Health degree. I have also administered assignments, final exams, and supervised students in the completion of their MPH dissertations.

With the Commonwealth Secretariat, London, I developed a toolkit for use in Commonwealth Health Ministers and member countries which an advocacy tool kit and adaptable guidelines, implementation materials and policy options for Universal Health Coverage Funding Mechanisms.

I have written and published several articles in peer review journals my most recent co-authored book section, Ian d. Campbell, Alison Rader Campbell, Clement Chela, A Community Development Approach to AIDS Care, Prevention and Control, Setting up Community Health and Development Programmes in Low- and Middle-Income Settings, 4th Edition, Ch 20, pages 350-367, Oxford University Press 2019.


Registration with the Health Professionals Council Zambia and Health Professionals Council Botswana as a Specialist in Public Health.

Registration with the Faculty of Public Health UK as International Practitioner.

Registration with the European Public Health Association


Public Health Practitioner

UK Health Security Agency
2021.02 - 2022.04

RMNCH Project Manager

2015.09 - 2017.08

Lecturer in Public Health

The University of Lusaka School of Medicine and Health Sciences
2015.02 - Current

Lead consultant

World Bank
2014.12 - 2015.12

Director General

National AIDS Council Zambia
2012.03 - 2014.03

Country Director

2009.10 - 2011.10

Senior HIV/AIDS/TB Advisor

Constella Futures
2007.05 - 2008.05

Sector Support Manager

African Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Partnerships
2003.01 - 2006.04

HIV/AIDS/TB Consultant

African Comprehensive HIV Partnerships
2001.05 - 2003.01

Chief Programme Officer

Commonwealth Secretariat
1997.12 - 2001.05

STD/HIV/AIDS/TB and Leprosy Specialist

Central Health Board
1997.09 - 1997.10

Master of Science - Public Health

London School of Hygiene And Tropical Medicine
1993.06 - 1994.07

Programme Manager

Ministry of Health
1993.02 - 1997.09

Senior Resident Medical Officer

Chikankata Hospital
1988.12 - 1993.02

Junior Resident Medical Officer

Ministry of Health
1987.07 - 1988.09

Bachelor of Science - Medicine And Surgery

University of Zambia
1985.01 - 1987.12

Bachelor of Science - Human Biology

University of Zambia
1980.01 - 1985.12
Clement ChelaPublic Health Specialist