Seasoned and energetic engineer adept at seamlessly integrating project technical aspects and making information relatable to non-technical personnel. Self motivated, with strong sense of personal responsibility. Experienced leader and manager with more than 9 years history in the engineering field. Clear communicator, decision maker and problem solver.
June –December 2023, Google data analytic certificate
August-September 2023, fundamentals of GIS, university of California
August 2023, project management foundation: Quality
June-September 2023, Quality management for operational excellence: Online project management institute
May 2023, AutoCad electrical essential training-online linked in learning
May 2023, construction management: safety and health-online linked in learning
May 2023, occupational safety and health: hazard communication-online linked in learning
May 2023, occupational safety and health: slips, trips and falls-online linked in learning
May 2023, understanding personal protective equipment- online linked in learning
April 2023, fundamentals of quantitative modeling: Online Wharton university of pennsylvania
March 2023, Certified Energy Auditor: Kafue Gorge Regional Training Centre
April 2021, Operational Management : VEI Dutch water operators
March 2021, SCADA Operations and Maintenance: Kafue Gorge Regional Training Centre
Member of the Engineering Institution of Zambia (MEIZ) - Professional
Member of the Engineering Registration Board (EngRB) Member of the Engineering Institution of Zambia (MEIZ) - Certified Energy Auditor
● Mr. Bernard Phiri
Director Engineering
Kafubu Water and Sanitation
Cell: 0955482115
● Mr. Sokratis Varvitsiotis
Manager Electrical
Kruger Veolia
Cell: 30 6936898681
● Mr. Nonde
Substation Manager
North Western Energy Corporation
Cell: 0964110449
June –December 2023, Google data analytic certificate
August-September 2023, fundamentals of GIS, university of California
August 2023, project management foundation: Quality
June-September 2023, Quality management for operational excellence: Online project management institute
May 2023, AutoCad electrical essential training-online linked in learning
May 2023, construction management: safety and health-online linked in learning
May 2023, occupational safety and health: hazard communication-online linked in learning
May 2023, occupational safety and health: slips, trips and falls-online linked in learning
May 2023, understanding personal protective equipment- online linked in learning
April 2023, fundamentals of quantitative modeling: Online Wharton university of pennsylvania
March 2023, Certified Energy Auditor: Kafue Gorge Regional Training Centre
April 2021, Operational Management : VEI Dutch water operators
March 2021, SCADA Operations and Maintenance: Kafue Gorge Regional Training Centre